Family Member’s Names in the Chinese language

On this page, you will learn the translation of Family Member’s Names :

English Chinese
Father 父亲
Mother 母亲
Son 儿子
Daughter 女儿
Husband 丈夫
Wife 妻子
Brother 兄弟
Sister 姐姐
Grandfather 祖父
Grandmother 祖母
Great Grandfather 曾祖父
Great Grandmother 曾祖母
Grandson 孙子
Granddaughter 孙女
Uncle 叔叔
Cousin (male/female) 表弟(男/女)
Cousin’s Wife 表妹的妻子
Cousin’s Husband 表弟的丈夫
Nephew 外甥
Niece 侄女
Father-in-law 岳父
Mother-in-law 岳母
Brother-in-law 小舅子
Sister-in-law / Son-in-law 嫂子/女婿
Daughter-in-law 媳妇
Stepfather 继父
Stepmother 后妈
Stepbrother 继兄弟
Stepsister 继妹
Stepson 继子
Stepdaughter 继女
Adopted Son 养子
Adopted Daughter 收养的女儿
Boyfriend 男朋友
Girlfriend 女朋友
Widow 寡妇
Widower 鳏夫
Bachelor 学士
Single 单身的
Spinster 老处女

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