On this page, you will learn the translation of Family Member’s Names :
English | Croatian |
Father | Otac |
Mother | Majka |
Son | Sin |
Daughter | Kći |
Husband | Suprug |
Wife | Žena |
Brother | Brat |
Sister | Sestra |
Grandfather | djed |
Grandmother | Baka |
Great Grandfather | Pradjed |
Great Grandmother | Velika baka |
Grandson | Unuk |
Granddaughter | Unuka |
Uncle | Ujak |
Aunt | Tetka |
Cousin (male/female) | Rođak (muško/žensko) |
Cousin’s Wife | Rođakova žena |
Cousin’s Husband | Rođakov muž |
Nephew | Nećak |
Niece | Nećakinja |
Father-in-law | Svekar |
Mother-in-law | Punica |
Brother-in-law | Šogor |
Sister-in-law / Son-in-law | Šogorica / Zet |
Daughter-in-law | Snaha |
Stepfather | Očuh |
Stepmother | Maćeha |
Stepbrother | Polubrat |
Stepsister | Polusestra |
Stepson | Posinak |
Stepdaughter | Pastorka |
Adopted Son | Posvojeni sin |
Adopted Daughter | Posvojena kći |
Boyfriend | Dečko |
Girlfriend | Djevojka |
Widow | Udovica |
Widower | Udovac |
Bachelor | Neženja |
Single | Singl |
Spinster | Usidjelica |
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