Family Member’s Names in the Croatian language

On this page, you will learn the translation of Family Member’s Names :

English Croatian
Father Otac
Mother Majka
Son Sin
Daughter Kći
Husband Suprug
Wife Žena
Brother Brat
Sister Sestra
Grandfather djed
Grandmother Baka
Great Grandfather Pradjed
Great Grandmother Velika baka
Grandson Unuk
Granddaughter Unuka
Uncle Ujak
Aunt Tetka
Cousin (male/female) Rođak (muško/žensko)
Cousin’s Wife Rođakova žena
Cousin’s Husband Rođakov muž
Nephew Nećak
Niece Nećakinja
Father-in-law Svekar
Mother-in-law Punica
Brother-in-law Šogor
Sister-in-law / Son-in-law Šogorica / Zet
Daughter-in-law Snaha
Stepfather Očuh
Stepmother Maćeha
Stepbrother Polubrat
Stepsister Polusestra
Stepson Posinak
Stepdaughter Pastorka
Adopted Son Posvojeni sin
Adopted Daughter Posvojena kći
Boyfriend Dečko
Girlfriend Djevojka
Widow Udovica
Widower Udovac
Bachelor Neženja
Single Singl
Spinster Usidjelica

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Slow Croatian conversation for beginners