Family Member’s Names in the Danish language

On this page, you will learn the translation of Family Member’s Names :



English Danish
Father Far
Mother Mor
Son Søn
Daughter Datter
Husband Ægtemand
Wife Kone
Brother Bror
Sister Søster
Grandfather Bedstefar
Grandmother Bedstemor
Great Grandfather Oldefar
Great Grandmother Oldemor
Grandson Sønnesøn
Granddaughter Barnebarn
Uncle Onkel
Aunt Tante
Cousin (male/female) Fætter (mand/kvinde)
Cousin’s Wife Fætters kone
Cousin’s Husband Fætters mand
Nephew Nevø
Niece Niece
Father-in-law Svigerfar
Mother-in-law Svigermor
Brother-in-law Svoger
Sister-in-law / Son-in-law
Svigerinde / Svigersøn
Daughter-in-law Svigerdatter
Stepfather Stedfar
Stepmother Stedmor
Stepbrother Stedbror
Stepsister Stedsøster
Stepson Stedsøn
Stepdaughter Steddatter
Adopted Son Adopterede søn
Adopted Daughter Adopteret Datter
Boyfriend Kæreste
Girlfriend Kæreste
Widow Enke
Widower Enkemand
Bachelor Ungkarl
Single Enkelt
Spinster Spinster




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Slow Danish Conversation for Beginners