Family Member’s Names in the Catalan language

On this page, you will learn the translation of Family Member’s Names :

English Catalan
Father Pare
Mother Mare
Son Fill
Daughter Filla
Husband Marit
Wife dona
Brother germà
Sister germana
Grandfather L’avi
Grandmother àvia
Great Grandfather Besavi
Great Grandmother Besàvia
Grandson nét
Granddaughter néta
Uncle Tió
Aunt tieta
Cousin (male/female) cosí (mascle/dona)
Cousin’s Wife La dona del cosí
Cousin’s Husband El marit del cosí
Nephew Nebot
Niece neboda
Father-in-law Sogre
Mother-in-law Sogra
Brother-in-law Cunyat
Sister-in-law / Son-in-law Cunyada / Gendre
Daughter-in-law Nora
Stepfather Padrastre
Stepmother madrastra
Stepbrother Germanastre
Stepsister Germanastra
Stepson Fillastre
Stepdaughter Fillastra
Adopted Son Fill adoptiu
Adopted Daughter Filla adoptada
Boyfriend Novio
Girlfriend Núvia
Widow Viuda
Widower Vidu
Bachelor Batxillerat
Single Solter
Spinster Soltera

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