On this page, you will learn the translation of Family Member’s Names :
English | Polish |
Father | Ojciec |
Mother | Matka |
Son | Syn |
Daughter | Córka |
Husband | Mąż |
Wife | Żona |
Brother | Brat |
Sister | Siostra |
Grandfather | Dziadek |
Grandmother | Babcia |
Great Grandfather | Pradziadek |
Great Grandmother | Pra babcia |
Grandson | Wnuk |
Granddaughter | Wnuczka |
Uncle | Wujek |
Aunt | Ciotka |
Cousin (male/female) | Kuzyn (mężczyzna/kobieta) |
Cousin’s Wife | Żona kuzyna |
Cousin’s Husband | Mąż kuzyna |
Nephew | Siostrzeniec |
Niece | Siostrzenica |
Father-in-law | Teść |
Mother-in-law | Teściowa |
Brother-in-law | Szwagier |
Sister-in-law / Son-in-law | Szwagierka / Zięć |
Daughter-in-law | Synowa |
Stepfather | Ojczym |
Stepmother | Macocha |
Stepbrother | Przyrodni brat |
Stepsister | Siostra przyrodnia |
Stepson | Pasierb |
Stepdaughter | Pasierbica |
Adopted Son | Adoptowany syn |
Adopted Daughter | Adoptowana córka |
Boyfriend | Chłopak |
Girlfriend | Dziewczyna |
Widow | Wdowa |
Widower | Wdowiec |
Bachelor | Licencjat |
Single | Pojedynczy |
Spinster | Stara panna |
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