Family Member’s Names in the Portuguese language

On this page, you will learn the translation of Family Member’s Names :

English Portuguese
Father Pai
Mother Mãe
Son Filho
Daughter Filha
Husband Esposo
Wife Esposa
Brother Irmão
Sister Irmã
Grandmother Avó
Great Grandfather Bisavô
Great Grandmother Bisavó
Grandson Neto
Granddaughter Neta
Uncle Tio
Aunt Tia
Cousin (male/female) Primo (homem/mulher)
Cousin’s Wife esposa do primo
Cousin’s Husband marido do primo
Nephew Sobrinho
Niece Sobrinha
Father-in-law Sogro
Mother-in-law Sogra
Brother-in-law Cunhado
Sister-in-law / Son-in-law cunhada/genro
Daughter-in-law Nora
Stepfather Padrasto
Stepmother Madrasta
Stepbrother Meio-irmão
Stepsister Meia-irmã
Stepson Enteado
Stepdaughter Enteada
Adopted Son Filho adotivo
Adopted Daughter Filha adotiva
Boyfriend Namorado
Girlfriend Amiga
Widow Viúva
Widower Viúvo
Bachelor Bacharel
Single solteiro
Spinster Solteirona

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