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German | English |
mindestens | At least |
sportart | Sports style |
regelmäßig | Regular |
abends | Evenings |
mittags | Noon |
stelle | place |
trainieren | To Practice |
post | Post |
fit | Healthy |
früh | Early |
abnehmen | To lose weight |
donnerstags | Thursdays |
golf | Golf |
gesundheit | Health |
nachts | nights |
empfehlen | To Recommend |
samstags | Saturdays |
wiegen | Weight |
dienstags | Tuesdays |
öffnen | to open |
selten | rarely |
circa | Approximately |
mittwochs | Wednesdays |
diät | diet |
gewicht | Weight |
teilnehmen | To Participate |
morgens | mornings |
nudel | Macaroni |
verein | the gym |
montags | Mondays |
freitags | Fridays |
zwischen | Among |
leihen | To lend |
art | Type |
vormittags | mornings |
frisch | new |
sonntags | Sundays |
training | to Practice |
ausruhen | to rest |
joggen | to jog |
basketball | basketball |
volleyball | Volleyball |
handball | Handball |
fitness | Fitness |
judo | Judoo |
ernährung | Nutrition |
yoga | yoga |
gymnastik | Gymnastics |
tischtennis | table tennis |
walken | Processing |
rudern | to oar |
flexibel | flexible |
zeitlich | temporal |
abwaschen | to wash |